Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Holy Crap!

All of those times that I complained about the IB program...all of that work that tested every inch of my sanity...it finally paid off! I got my IB diploma! 26 points in all!

I didn't get any points for my extended essay or my TOK essay, but that's okay, because I knew they were crap anyway. Hahaha. But I got a 5 in History! I thought I would get a 3 in that class, because I didn't do so well in the class (mostly B's in the class and C's and D's on the tests). But I guess I bullshitted well enough on the IB exam that I got a 5! Ahh, the powers of BSing.

Oh, and on a slightly related note, I got a 5 on my AP Psychology exam! I'm so happy about that one, because that was the exam that mattered. If I didn't do well on that exam, then my plans for the future would probable be shot. The cool thing about it was that I actually had fun while taking the exam. It was enjoyable to me! Haha I guess that's a sign that I'm going into the right profession, eh?
