Monday, September 15, 2008

Victoria and Forks Part 2

Okay, I know that I should continue with this even though nobody's reading, so here goes. (Bear with me, 'cause it's been a couple months and I may forget stuff.)

The next morning we drove down to the docks to get on our first ferry boat of the day (we were to take two). Even though there were signs EVERYWHERE for the docks, we just could not find the entrance to the ferry boat! It was insanity!
We eventually found our way through treacherous Seattle and arrived at the dock with plenty of time to spare.

Now, it would make sense, wouldn't it, to have a ferry that goes directly from Seattle to Victoria, right? But of course they had no such boat. So we had to take a ferry to the upper regions of Washington, drive for two hours, arrive in Port Angeles, and get on another boat to go to Victoria! So much driving and traveling in one day. As you can probably guess, we were exhausted. My friend and I slept most of the way there.

We were both excited to see the famous mountains of Washington! Truthfully, it was one of the main reasons we went up there. However, again, we couldn't see them through the thick layer of clouds hanging low over our heads. How dissappointing...

Once we got to Port Angeles, though, we could see the mountains! And they were truly glorious!

But of course the first time we see the mountains was the day we were leaving Washington to visit Victoria.

Victoria is a truly beautiful city. Even the office buildings have grace! Any normal day in Victoria would be awesome, but the day we arrived in Victoria was Canada Day, and everybody was celebrating.
I have lived near D.C. all my life, and I have to say, I have never seen such celebration on a national holiday. EVERYBODY had some sort of Canadian flag on them, and it was out of place to see a house without the red and white. That night the Paliament building was lit up, a stage was set up for a rap star to preform (I kid you not), and the air was positively electric.

Earlier that day, we visited the docks where two certain sea creatures lived and entertained...

They were so cute. ^_^

That's all for today (sorry it isn't much, but I'm kinda sick and can't remember anything).


Sunday, August 03, 2008

Seriously, People.

Okay, so. I read Breaking Dawn, the fourth and (possibly) last book in the Twilight series. While reading it, I noticed that it was a bit different than the others, but I realized that not only have the characters completely changed throughout the book, but that after a couple years, a writer's writing style tends to change, if ever so slightly. It was different, but it was good. Hell, it was better than good, it was EXCELLENT. I'm not just saying that because I'm a Twi-hard, or anything, I'm saying that because Breaking Dawn brought up subjects that we had not thought of before, and dived head-first into them. They may have been subjects that we weren't entirely comfortable with, but Stephenie Meyer did it with such finesse that anyone reading it would have been bewitched with just the words alone.

Which is why this morning, when I logged onto a certain chatroom, I was shocked and dissappointed to find that 75% of the people I talked to hated the book! I was disgusted! Many people were saying that the Twilight saga was killed after Breaking Dawn. They were telling their friends to stop reading after Eclipse.

I'm just...there are no words for how sad I feel. I feel let down by my fellow Twilighters. No, in fact, I don't really consider those people Twilighters anymore. I'm dissappointed in those people.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Victoria and Forks, pt.1

Okay, so, I said I would post about my trip to Forks, and so I'm doing that now.

On the plane going to Seattle, it was devil-child central. Both on the first plane and the plane connecting from Kansas city to Seattle. I counted no less than four screaming children located on each plane. Six. Freaking. Hours of that crap. Thank God for mp3 players, right? I'm sure Breonna was having a blast. (She's a friend of mine who went with me.)

Well, by the time we got to Seattle, we were exhausted. We just wanted to see the mountains, get to our hotel quickly, and go to sleep. But of course it wouldn't work that way, would it? When we were driving from the airport to the hotel, we were searching the horizons for those beautiful Olympic mountains. No such luck. There was a solid wall of clouds and smog that obstructed the view of the spectacular mountains. I was really dissapointed because I wanted Breonna to see the mountains. But we would see them later, so no worries.

When we were finally in the city, we had trouble finding our hotel. The GPS was acting up, of course. The one time you rely on it, it malfunctions. It took us down roads that led in the opposite direction of the hotel, led us to empty warehouses, and told us to go down roads that didn't exist. Eventually, we made it to the hotel and once we were there it was fine. As soon as we pulled up, the concierge opened our doors for us, took our bags up to our room for us, and parked the car for us. (They even checked in for us!) It was awesome. I felt like an important person. Like a diplomat, or a powerful mob boss or something.

We had finally gotten to our room, and we immediately hopped into the comfortable beds to sleep, for we had to get up early the next morning. Breonna and my mother fell asleep immediately, but because there's obviously something wrong with me, I could not fall asleep. I lay awake for hours, until finally I was so tired that my mind just shut down. Of course, in the morning, I was dead tired.

More of my trip in a bit. I still have to hunt down my pictures. ;-P


Monday, May 19, 2008

CAS madness

AH! I desperately need to fill out CAS forms for this summer! I only have, like, 9 hours, which means I need 141 more hours! (seems excessive, doesn't it?) *sigh* I don't have much more to say...sorry.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008


So, I was watching Scrubs, and it's the episode where Turk has a woman attending, and when he defends her from Todd's sexist jokes, she accuses Turk of being sexist, because she doesn't need someone to defend her.

That is complete crap.

While it's true that women are able to defend themselves without men's help, it's still nice when men come to our "rescue." It's reminiscent of a more gentlemanly time, and I happen to like the chivalry. Some women may accuse me of being naive, but it's just the way I view things. I like to keep a fairy tale perspective on life. ^_^

Enchantedly yours,

Monday, May 12, 2008


Unfortunately, this week seems to be project/due date week. Which really especially sucks, since this is the week of my birthday. I'm going to have SO MUCH homework on my birthday! DX Gah. This sucks. Well, that's the life of IB, I guess. This week, I have a lot of english crap due, as well as I have to work on my world lit 1 draft. Then there's the matter of my TOK internal assessment, which is due on friday, and my bio DNA Chimera lab, which is also due on friday. Yup, the 15th is gonna be busy.

At least I have college to look forward to, right? I think it's gonna be much easier than the Ib program. Well, the undergrad part will be. I'm not so sure about the grad school part. But the university I want to go to considers a 73% a B. Hahaha! At my high school, a 73% is a low C! I can't wait to go to university...

Your humble blogger,

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Odes to Edward

A Haiku and a free-form poem, dedicated to the book Twilight's hero, Edward Cullen:

Light enhances dark
His bright smile is my way home
The dark won't get me.

A starless night
Has never been so black
Without you.
A golden gaze
Was never more missed
Than when you left.
Yet you came back
against all odds
And my heart is stitched together.
My fingers have once again found your face
And I revel in the sound of your voice.
My night will never again be starless.

Dazzledly yours,

Relief! At last!

I am done with the IB Math Studies exam! Wooooooooo! *victory dance* I took my Paper 2 today, and I am so glad it's over! A huge amount of stress has dissipated, but the pressure is not entirely gone (and it never will be). Studying for the test, I think, was effective, and I'm glad I did so. I didn't study for my AP Euro history test last year, and I got a 2. *shakes head* That was extremely stupid of me.

Anyways, with the IB program, it's always out from the fireplace and into the oven. (I think that's a frequently used expression...right? Or did I just make that up? I dunno.) I now get to face:

1 play that's due for creative writing
1 essay that's due for english
1 outline for my World Lit 1 paper in english
1 Chimera DNA project for Bio.

Fun stuff, right? And I do believe that all of this is due within the next week! Fun, fun stuff. The worst part is that it's my birthday next week (Thursday, the 15th, mark it on your calenders! I'm expecting gifts!) and 3/4 of the stuff that's due next week is due on my birthday. Sucks, doesn't it?

I'm starting to feel the old (and definitely not welcome) feelings of a panic attack again. I'm calm for now, but I feel it creeping up on me...
I just hope it ends before final exams. I can't deal with a breakdown and study at the same time. It's inefficient.


Monday, May 05, 2008


Now, I am not normally one to become so excited over a movie trailer that I jump up and down and start screaming. However, this was before I saw the 'Twilight' teaser trailer. There is only one acronym that can sufficiently express my feelings right now:


I really truly madly deeply loved this trailer, and I can't wait for more! However, and I may just be nit-picky, but I'm somewhat disturbed by the lack of golden eyes on Edward and Emmet...

But whatever.

Excitedly yours,

Sunday, May 04, 2008


So I signed a completely awesome e-petition. It's to get Stephenie Meyer, Catherine Hardwick, and other cast people of the Twilight movie to go on Oprah! (Because if they can get on Oprah, they can rule the world.) Go here to sign it; it really is for a good cause! (If you don't, leprechauns are gonna f*ck you up at midnight.)

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Preparing for the Math exam

Today I actually studied. I'm so proud of myself. I've come up with a system: I copy problems out of my book, about nine of them, time myself for 90 minutes, and take my little simulated test. Then, because the answers are in the back of the book, I check my work! I'm proud of myself: I've been getting most of the questions right. There are things I need to study a bit more, but still! I think this is the most I've ever prepared for a test. Sad, isn't it? I have no idea how the hell I have A's and B's (I've recently raised my grade in Bio from a C to a B, even though I pretty much flunked the last quiz. How I raised my grade, I'll never know). My math exam is on wednesday and thursday. Paper 1 is wednesday, Paper 2 is thursday. For both days, I'm excused from school, even though both of them are only 90 minutes long. Ha! And I've worked out a system: If I get a 3, or even a 2 on this exam, I'll just make up the points with my other exams! I'll make sure to get a 7 on my english exam! (English is by far my best subject.) See? It all works out.

I'm so glad; this summer I'm going to Forks! It's gonna be super awesome. I went last year, and it was so beautiful that my mom said that I can bring a friend this year!

It's so beautiful up there. The mountains are perpetually covered in clouds, and there are trees EVERYWHERE! You know how in Twilight, Bella says something along the lines of "everything that's supposed to be's all covered in green squishy stuff here." Yeah, it's true. Absolutely everything is, in fact, covered in green squishy stuff. Here's some pictures from last year's trip:

When I go there this summer, I'm definitely putting up more pictures.

So I saw a picture of the place they were using for the Forks High School in the movie, and I'm really happy with it. In fact, all of the places I've seen from that movie look a hell of a lot like the actual Forks. I'm glad that this movie has fallen into such capable hands.

Signing out,

Monday, April 28, 2008

Just Another Crappy Monday

So...yeah. I'm pretty sure the title explains it. It was a pretty crappy day, even for a monday. First period was biology, so that means that today would have crappy anyway, BUT I got a lab back and I got a 26 out of 46 on it. I am complete crap at labs, I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the teacher...maybe Biology's just not my thing. I dunno. At this point, my biggest concern is getting into the University of Waterloo, and the IB diploma comes second to that. Don't get me wrong, I really do want to recieve the diploma, but if I don't, it won't be the end of the world. However, if I don't get into Waterloo, then my plan for my life is completely thrown off, and all of my hard work will go down the drain. Of course I'll have backup schools, like University of Michigan, Virginia, and Oregan, but Waterloo's my main choice.

School always wears me out. I was going to take a nap after I got home from school today, but I normally can't fall asleep after 3, and it's now 3: 27. It's funny, as I was writing that, I just got rreeaallyy sleepy. Ha.

Anyways, I'm about to go take a nap. Hahaha.

Until next time,

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Drowning in Biology

IB Biology is quite possibly one of the hardest science classes I have had to take. Last year, I thought that Chemistry was difficult, and it was, in its own right, but this year, Biology's a bitch. Don't get me wrong, some of it is extraordinarily interesting, but my teacher is not the best in the world. She's a nice enough person, but she doesn't explain things well, and when we ask her to elaborate, she uses the phrase all of us IB kids have come to loathe: "You're independant learners, you figure it out." I swear to God, that phrase makes me want to stab something. Yes, we are independant learners, but we also need the teachers; that's what they're there for! To teach us stuff we don't understand! It gets really frustrating sometimes...

What I think is the most frustrating is that every night I'm up till 12:30am working on homework. I average about 5 hours of homework a night. How screwed up is that? I'm a teenager in high school, I'm supposed to be enjoying the best years of my life! Instead I'm working on homework until my eyes pop out.

Your faithful,

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Taking a break from all this IB crap.

So I've decided not to do any homework today, and so right now I have nothing to report from the land of IB. Instead I'll talk about something very dear to me:


Now, Twilight-mania has swept the world, affecting girls and boys alike, of all different ages. (My mother loves the series, and I've finally gotten my father to read Twilight.) I don't mean to bash the people who just started reading the series within the past year, BUT I started reading Twilight when it first came out. So there.

Seriously, though, I think it's wonderful that the Twilight series has taken off so well. I'm even more ecstatic that the movie's coming out. I always check the Twilight Lexicon's blog for news on the movie and anything related to Stephenie Meyer. That website is my link to anything Twilight. It is simply amazing. I love it.

Another Twilight website I like to go to is It's this one guy's blog who's reading Twilight, and he gives us a blow-by-blow of what his impressions are. It's really interesting, to see a guy's perspective of Twilight.

That's all for now. I can't really think of anything else to say... If I do, I'll make sure to post it, even though I'm pretty sure nobody's reading this.

As always,

Friday, April 25, 2008

April 25th

Okay, so, I seem to want to make this an almost-daily blog report thing.

In two weeks, I will be taking the Math Studies IB exam; just a taste of what's to come, I suppose. I'm not extraordinarily nervous, as everyone (including my mother) tells me I should be. I mean, I know what I need to study, I'll be meeting with my teacher next week about something I'm confused about, and I just got a huge load of review packets in class today. True, I haven't been studying as often as I know I should be, but this week I definitely WILL study. My original plan was to start studying a month beforehand, but we all know that that plan was doomed to fail. This weekend, not tomorrow, 'cause I'm going to a festival, but on Sunday, I will begin my math studying. I think I'll start with financial whatnot, because THEY DELETE THE TVM SOLVER FROM YOUR CALCULATOR! (Which, obviously, I think is bullshit, but whatever.) So I'll pretty much be by myself with the whole financial crap. That stuff I need to study especially, too, because I did pretty poorly with it during the year. Then I'll go to the p if q stuff and venn diagrams, which aren't too hard. After that, I'm not sure. I kept all of my papers from last semester, though, so I'll look over those to form a plan of action.

Enough about math, though. As everyone in IB 11 and 12 knows, we have to write an extended essay over the summer between 11 and 12 grade! Yay! I actually am excited because my topic is how fighting in ice hockey is an effective tool for team-building purposes. I love hockey. I think I was supposed to be Canadian, but God changed his mind at the last moment. ANYWAY, this will be interesting for many reasons, but mostly because I get to interview the hockey players themselves. (Especially Steve Eminger!) It'll be interesting to dive headfirst into the minds of hockey players. This will be fun.

For us IB kids, we have to choose one of four electives. One is art, the second is music, the third is ITGS, and the fourth is a second year of chemistry (ew). I've chosen art, and I'm extremely glad about it. The IB art program is the best art program I've been in; we get all the cool supplies. We get the real watercolors, not the ones in the yellow plastic trays. We get acrylic paints, not that tempra crap. We're also allowed a lot of freedom within the classroom. Because our teacher trusts us, almost every period is a "do what you have to do" period. We're working on paintings right now, and we're allowed full access to the room and all of its supplies. It's wonderful to be an IB Art student. Next year, we'll begin our "journey." What I was thinking of doing was beginning an exploration of spirituality in various cultures around the world. From there, I'll look at the different myths that these cultures have to offer. From there, I can link that to the whole "vampires and werewolves" myth, and, of course, tie that to Twilight. For those of you who have not read the Twilight books, even if you are a guy, I highly suggest it. These are the best books I have read, and I've read a lot of books. Twilight is actually the reason I started to get into writing, because I want to be as good a writer as Stephenie Meyer. But enough babbling!

I know whoever is reading this has had to suffer long and hard, and I thank you for your patience. I'll try to make future posts more interesting.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

We never wanted it to be this way

Hey to all of those who don't read this! I've just realized that I have not posted in this blog for over a year. Why do I even keep it? Well, my hope is that someday I'll be famous, and then people will actually want to know what I think. That would be pretty freakin' awesome. But, for now, I'm just this weird teenage girl who talks to empty cyberspace. I'm actually glad I have this blog, 'cause I can pretty much comment on whatever the hell I want. Except for my school, 'cause then they'll probably find this and then expell me for something or other. Like saying it's an unorganized hell-hole where the administration has no idea what the hell they're doing. Oops, did I actually say that? Anyway, my school is both a curse and a blessing. It's a curse because of the rigorous work they put us through...or, at least, that's what they're having us IB kids doing. (Though, I'm proud to say, I've only had one breakdown this year. Yay! Go me.) It's a blessing because I have some of the best friends of my life here, and I'm glad that there are other people who are as geeky as me. ^_^

Peace out,