Sunday, February 04, 2007

Long Time, No See


What I think is extremely interesting and ironic, is that I'm depressed, yet I want to be a psychologist. My therapist said that this was not ironic, that asking a psychologist to not get depressed is like asking a doctor to not get sick. I'm not so sure. I mean, my being depressed will certainly help me understand my patients better, but nobody wants a depressed therapist! I wouldn't try and make them depressed, or anything, but possible patients might think that. Argh, it's rather frustrating.

One thing that helps with my depression (other than My Chemical Romance) is writing. This is good, I suppose, because I'm going to be a writer, as well as a psychologist. I have so many ideas in my head that are so many potential stories. Right now, I'm writing six stories at once! And there's still more coming...

As I stated before, My Chemical Romance helps a lot with my depression. Some people may find this ironic, because MCR is typically seen as an "emo" band. This is completely untrue. They are not emo, they are punk, or alternative rock. They actually hate emo bands and people. It's pretty funny, actually. But, they do sing about death, dying, and killing people a lot. So it would seem. Everything they sing about, all of their songs, are metaphors. That's one of the things I like the most about them- it's very fun (for me) to try and unravel the mysteries that are their songs. MCR also helps me in my depression in that they understand. The lead singer and the bassist themselves are clinically depressed, and so they know what I'm going through. It helps to know that there are five other guys in this world who are just as messed up as me. It helps more than you think.

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