Sunday, April 27, 2008

Drowning in Biology

IB Biology is quite possibly one of the hardest science classes I have had to take. Last year, I thought that Chemistry was difficult, and it was, in its own right, but this year, Biology's a bitch. Don't get me wrong, some of it is extraordinarily interesting, but my teacher is not the best in the world. She's a nice enough person, but she doesn't explain things well, and when we ask her to elaborate, she uses the phrase all of us IB kids have come to loathe: "You're independant learners, you figure it out." I swear to God, that phrase makes me want to stab something. Yes, we are independant learners, but we also need the teachers; that's what they're there for! To teach us stuff we don't understand! It gets really frustrating sometimes...

What I think is the most frustrating is that every night I'm up till 12:30am working on homework. I average about 5 hours of homework a night. How screwed up is that? I'm a teenager in high school, I'm supposed to be enjoying the best years of my life! Instead I'm working on homework until my eyes pop out.

Your faithful,

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