Monday, April 28, 2008

Just Another Crappy Monday

So...yeah. I'm pretty sure the title explains it. It was a pretty crappy day, even for a monday. First period was biology, so that means that today would have crappy anyway, BUT I got a lab back and I got a 26 out of 46 on it. I am complete crap at labs, I don't know what it is. Maybe it's the teacher...maybe Biology's just not my thing. I dunno. At this point, my biggest concern is getting into the University of Waterloo, and the IB diploma comes second to that. Don't get me wrong, I really do want to recieve the diploma, but if I don't, it won't be the end of the world. However, if I don't get into Waterloo, then my plan for my life is completely thrown off, and all of my hard work will go down the drain. Of course I'll have backup schools, like University of Michigan, Virginia, and Oregan, but Waterloo's my main choice.

School always wears me out. I was going to take a nap after I got home from school today, but I normally can't fall asleep after 3, and it's now 3: 27. It's funny, as I was writing that, I just got rreeaallyy sleepy. Ha.

Anyways, I'm about to go take a nap. Hahaha.

Until next time,

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